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LIMS for Renewable Fuels

Petrochemical and
biofuels processing.

Full end-to-end LIMS solutions that integrate with your processes and corporate systems to ensure the quality of raw materials, in-process and final products.

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LIMS Integration for Hydrocarbon Processing & Biofuels

Powering your process.

Whether you’re doing oil and gas, petrochemical, hydrocarbons, biodiesel and alternative fuels or related testing, the LABWORKS solution for Oil and Gas provides you with all of the functionality you need, in a web-based, state-of-the-art solution. The LABWORKS LIMS solution for Oil and Gas can also be used/interfaced with 3rd Party manufacturing production and inventory applications such as SAP. LABWORKS lets you manage specifications, assignable by customer, intended use, standards or other criteria, and flag samples that are outside of those specifications.

Petrochemical, biofuels and related development and processing, and the testing that supports it all, are high-profile and essential areas of importance in the world today, with the stakes higher than ever and margins and efficiency often the difference between viable enterprise and negative profit. It’s important to be able to to track the analyses of raw materials, in process and final product samples. Accurate measurements of purity are crucial, requiring a robust QA/QC and limits alerting process like that of our LIMS solution.

Laboratory Data Management | LIMS System - Labworks LLC

Petrochemical and Biofuels Processing

Advanced LIMS solutions made easy

Effective automation

Automate manual tasks while aligning with industry best practice.

Automated compliance

Save time with standard workflows, industry reports and analytics, and compliance and regulatory tools.

Easy integration

Integration with 3rd parties, corporate systems, and instruments and without customization or programming.

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Providing you the right solution for your lab.

QA and QC processes are, as we mentioned, quite fundamental to labs of this kind, and COA’s may constitute the main reports. LABWORKS lets you track individual samples that make up a composite sample. The results of the composite analyses can then be entered as the results of the individual samples that made that composite.

Crucially, LABWORKS lets you manage specifications, assignable by customer, intended use, standards or other criteria, and flag samples that are outside of those specifications. Multiple flags for different specs are supported, with the ability to manually approve, label for particular usage, etc.

That also involves the ability to manage sample points/sites, sample types, clients/suppliers and the like, and map raw materials and/or products to them, tracking orders, lots, etc. as well as samples and their compositions, progress, current status and completion.

Sample points may need to be monitored in real time, with instant flags for out-of-spec performance in certain types of installations. Similarly, regularly generated sampling events, with samples, tests and specs, may need to be produced by the LIMS to help automate processes. Performance trends may also need to be able to be produced dynamically for a given set of metrics, given date/time range, etc. The LABWORKS LIMS solution for Chemical, Petrochemical, Biofuels Processing gives you all this and more.

Compliant with Standards and Regulations That Are Important to You
These can include ASTM and EPA standards and regs for petroleum gas, diesel, biodiesel, renewable biomass and other fuel types, OSHA hazardous materials handling, CMA, ISO 17025 and others. Any of a number of industry-specific standards may apply to finished/processed products or substances.

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